
Being diagnosed with diabetes doesn't mean you can't enjoy your favorite foods or do the things you enjoy in life! My goal is to help you not just LIVE with diabetes but THRIVE WITH DIABETES!

Having diabetes should not stop you from having a healthy and happy pregnancy. Learn how to keep your numbers in check, best foods to eat, and the guidance you need to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Consultations for gestational diabetes, pre-existing type 2 and type 1 diabetes.

From newly diagnosed diabetes to teens with type 1, learn how to fine-tune your diabetes skills. Learn about pumps & sensors, advanced carb counting, how to manage school and social events, and even getting your teen ready for college—individual consultations for children, adolescents, and families with type 1 diabetes.

Re-learn some of the key diabetes concepts you might have learned a long time ago. Fine-tune your diabetes skills, refresh your carb counting so you can eat out without stress. Learn about the latest diabetes technologies that can help you live your best life with diabetes.
About Marina
Hi! I'm Marina Chaparro. I'm a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator with over 13yrs experience and I live with type 1 diabetes since age 17. So I know a thing or two about not just living with diabetes, but thriving with type 1 diabetes. I'm here to teach you how to eat and enjoy foods, you will learn practical tips and understand strategies that will help you live you best life with diabetes.

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